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Unhinge the Binge - the answer to emotional and stress eating
Module #1 and Welcome Video!
Who am I and why am I qualified to help you?
Are you ready to "Unhinge the Binge?"
Emotional Eating: 6 steps to Freedom - Part 1 of 6 (5:02)
Why Mindfulness and what does it have to do with Eating? (7:43)
Take this Eating Style Quiz
Getting started with a basic Meditation Practice
Guided Meditation #1 (9:43)
Unhinge the Binge Workbook
Homework Assignment #1
Disclosures and copyright and distribution information:
Module #2 - Inner Wisdom vs. Outer Wisdom
What is Inner Wisdom with respect to food? (4:14)
Outer Wisdom: What is it?
Basic Information about calories
When calories don't matter
Emotional Eating: 6 Steps to Freedom - Part 2 (5:41)
Crackers and Cheese Meditation! (8:34)
The 300 calorie Challenge - Homework #2
Module #3 - Diet is a noun, not a verb!
Emotional Eating: 6 steps to Freedom - part 3 (3:35)
Phases of Nourishment
Stop Bullying your Body!
Become a Dietary Detective
Mini-Eating Meditation (3:54)
Homework Assignment #3
Module #4 Understanding Hunger - emotional and physical
Emotional Eating - 6 steps to Freedom, part 4 (5:22)
Hunger Timeline
Surf the Urge
Body Scan Meditation (11:40)
To weigh or not to weigh?
Keeping a Food diary
Homework #4
Module #5 - Joyful Movement and Exercise
The Power of Play in Movement
Unhinge the Binge Weekly Exercise Log
Exercise that Moves Your Heart as Well as Your Body
Exercise Basics - How movement "does the body good"
How exercise does the body good - part 2
Interview with Strength and Life Coach
Guided Walking Meditation (9:49)
I like to Move it, Move it....
Emotional Eating - 6 Steps to Freedom #5 (8:46)
Homework Assignment #5
Module #6 - Taste Buds and Satiety
Emotional Eating: 6 Steps to Freedom - Part 6 of 6 (4:40)
Intro to Taste and Satiety
All about our Taste buds!
Chocolate Tasting Exercise!
Taste and Satiety Guided Meditation (12:29)
Homework Assignment #6
Discussion Questions for Chocolate Exercise
Module #7 - Eating outside of the home environment
Restaurant Eating Strategies plus Cheat Sheet! (8:00)
Typical Restaurant Experience
Parties and events!
Incorporating Healthy Behaviors on Vacations AND work Trips
What if I'm in my car all day, Jenny?
Homework Assignment #7
Module #8 - All about Mindful Eating
My 7 day Mindful Eating Email Course
The Seduction of Slow (18:52)
Fullness and Body Satiety Exercise (9:40)
Intro to Body Satiety and Fullness
Homework Assignment #8
Module #9 - Befriend the Binge to Ditch the Binge
Befriend the Binge?
Ritualize the Binge
Books for further exploration
Forgiveness Meditation (12:10)
Homework #9
Module #10 - The Body Image Blueprint
Body Image Survey
The Body Image Blueprint Presentation (30:05)
Homework Assignment #10
Module #11 - So what should I eat then? Just tell me!
Intro to Seasonal Soup Series
Macronutrient Balanced Foods
All about Proteins
Protein Sources
All about Complex Carbs
Carb Deficient?
All about Healthy Fats
Fruit and Vegetable Eating Meditation (7:17)
Homework Assignment #11
Fat in your food DOES NOT equal fat on your body!
Healthy Pantry Essentials Checklist
Module #12 - The Unhinge the Binge way of life. Making change sustainable
Final Homework Assignment
Self-Acceptance Meditation (11:05)
Invitation for One-on-One Coaching
Summary of Modules and Next Steps
Making Change Sustainable, Tips and Tools Worksheet
BONUS Module! - Stress and Emotional Eating
Eating Triggers Meditation (12:56)
Food Cravings Meditation (11:22)
Personal Values (2:34)
Case Studies
Introduction to Case Studies
Homework Assignment #1
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