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Replenish: The 7 Pillars of Restoration (self-study)
Welcome (watch me first)
Welcome to your 7 pillars of healing and restoration (8:44)
Welcome Packet
Pillar #1 - Calm Chronic Stress
What is Stress?
How does chronic stress relate to your food choices?
Solutions to Calm Chronic Stress
Your stress-relief oasis resource page
102 things to do besides stress eating
Pillar #2 - Restore your Gut Health
Why is gut-health so important?
What happens when there is an imbalance in your gut flora?
Best foods to improve gut-health and microbiome diversity
Best supplemental herbs for gut-health
Other gut-soothing solutions
Testing your microbiome through Ixcela
5-day Gut Healing Meal plan (15 recipes, shopping list, prep plan)
Gut-health resource page
Pillar #3 - Learn Conscious Eating
What is conscious eating?
10 Mindful & Intuitive Eating Strategies
Interview with Marc David on Conscious Eating (32:34)
Interview with Meghan Telpner on Conscious Eating (38:26)
Resources and Books for further learning
BONUS: My Mindful Meal Planning Method
Pillar #4 - Your Eating Ecosystem
{VIDEO} learning your eating ecosystem (13:09)
Eating Ecosystem PDF worksheet
Pillar #5 - Upgrade your Mindset
Making New Habits Stick (15:13)
Determining desire vs. Commitment to health changes
The CTFAR method
Ditching toxic and negative self-talk (exercise)
Upgrade your Mindset - audio training
Pillar #6 - Become a Foodie - take the T.A.S.T.E. test
Take the T.A.S.T.E test (Video) (10:04)
The Mindful Foodie meal plan (7-day meal plan with 42 recipes)
Additional books and resources
Pillar #7 - Finding your Nutritional "Sweet Spot"
Your Nutritional "Sweet Spot" (video) (8:31)
Nutritional sweet spot worksheets
Macronutrient balanced meals and ideas
Bonus Trainings!
How to End Black & White Thinking (7:44)
Get in the Expansion Zone (7:28)
Reverse Food Pyramid (10:00)
What's next?
Replenish Signature program invitation
Other gut-soothing solutions
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